Are you an Email Marketer who is Sick and Tired of Getting Blacklisted from Your Email Service Provider and Watching Your Delivery Rates Vanish While Your Profits DisappearThen Find Out How…
“You Could Simply Follow Our 3 Step System and Be On Your Way to Rock Solid Delivery and Bigger Profits Within 24 Hours or LESS!”
Introducing The Ultimate Marketers List Cleansing Service
  •  More consistent delivery
  •  Higher email engagement
  •  Increased inbox placement
  •  Better online reputation
  •  Increased conversion rates
If you're coming in from the webinar just select the package that fits your list size and you'll be Kleaning up in the next few minutes!
Select the KLEAN13 Package* That Fits Your Email Marketing Needs Best
(You can change your package anytime as your business grows!
*Please note that all prices below are 38-50% off our corporate rates for a VERY LIMITED TIME ONLY! This is a LAUNCH SPECIAL and prices this low will not last indefinitely!
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 25,000 KREDITS
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 50,000 Kredits
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 100,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
KLEAN13 Platinum
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 500,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
KLEAN13 Ultra
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 1,000,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Clean Your Lists... Deliver More... EARN More
Klean13 was invented by email marketers for email marketers. With it, you will have a new, clean list made up of valid and engaged users that keeps the email service providers happy, gets you better open rates and earns  you more moneyHere's how it works for you...
Step 1:
Use our simple, drag and drop interface to upload your list.
Step 2:
Let our software do the hard work to clean, verify and validate your list.
Step 3:
Download your cleansed list and import to your Email Provider.
And (Unofficial) STEP 4:
Start profiting from using a valid, verified, bad-data free list!
Matt Trainer

"I've been a large volume mailer for over a decade. THE BIGGEST problem we've had with delivery is keeping our lists clean from spam traps and all the other "gotchas" in list hygiene. I've tested every list cleaning solution I could find. Every service I found left me without a real long term, infinitely-scalable solution."

"Klean13 has changed the game. It's a real solution that just works. It made my lists A LOT smaller than my ego wanted, but at least I know the lists I have now are clean and not an anchor on our inboxing. Thank you Klean13 for all you do. You saved our email business. "
Ryan Levesque
"In the middle of a launch, it is so important to keep your list clean to avoid possible penalties from the email service providers. "

"I trust this valuable job to Klean13."
If You Have Never Cleaned Your List, I Guarantee
There is POISON in Your List Killing Your Profits
Most marketers don't have a clue but there is POISON lurking in your lists!
If you have tried mailing and been kicked off of ESPs and SMTP providers before and you have no idea why, then chances are that your lists were deemed dirty by the provider and they don't want to let you anywhere near their service.
The top 7 "list poisons" and how they are wreaking havoc on your reputation and your ability to deliver email properly
List Poison #1: Dormant Accounts
Dormant accounts are email addresses at the top mailbox providers that USED TO BE GOOD but were then abandoned by their owner (probably because of receiving too much email). 

These mailbox providers (like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and Microsoft) then REACTIVATE those old, dormant accounts with the express purpose of catching email marketers who have not removed them from their lists after being warned for 6 months to do so. (Sneaky, sneaky.)

Sending marketing emails to dormant accounts is probably one of the WORST things you can do for delivery at the "Big 4".
List Poison #2: Spam Traps
Spam Traps are email addresses created for the purpose of catching people who send unsolicited emails. They NEVER optin to receive emails and they are almost always added through using 3rd party rented or purchased lists. 

Mailing Spam Traps immediately indicates that you are using 3rd party lists and pretty much drives your delivery into the toilet.
List Poison #3: Invalid Emails
Invalid emails are emails that do not exist. They are made up, inserted in your lists by malicious users and freebie seekers and they cannot be delivered to. 

They will do serious damage to your reputation as a respected email marketer.
List Poison #4: Tpyo Domains
Typo domains are emails with mistakes in the spelling of the domain. 

Examples include and Mailing them indicates you care very little about your sender reputation and as such, you will be rewarded with the spam folder at best or your email never seeing the light of day (unless you get kicked off your ESP first)
List Poison #5: Role Accounts
These are emails like webmaster@, admin@, support@. They are normally NEVER used for personal/business email and many times the person or persons who check these accounts will have no qualms complaining about your email. 

While they aren't as deadly as the previous 4 poisons, insisting on mailing them drives your reputation down and will probably end you on a "watchlist" at your ESP.
List Poison #6: Serial Complainers
Serial Complainers are like Serial Killers - they keep doing the same bad thing over and over again. They are well known for only complaining about the commercial email they receive. 

While it's a judgment call on whether to remove them (as they are often some of the most active people on a list), being able to identify them empowers you to make the judgment call on whether or not to remove them from your most valuable asset.
List Poison #7: BOTS
Bots are robots that are added to your list simply to waste your time. They artificially inflate your Click #s and provide you no value. 

They upset advertisers and list partners, drive down your PPC & ECPM and will NEVER become a lead or buyer. They are just taking up valuable space that could be filled with high quality prospects. Draw out this poison from your lists immediately!
Take a look at this sample report...
How Many of these POISONS are in YOUR list?

"Klean13 finds things that other services don't..."

Klean13 has been the 'secret' list validation service I've used for my clients for years. It's amazing the things Klean13 finds things that other services don't. Whether it's an old list or a new list, Klean13 consistently highlights issues that need attention to get the best return.
- Neil Kristianson,
Yes, The Money is still in the List,
But Only if you KLEAN It
Here's something most people still have a hard time grasping...
A mailing list’s value is not at all based on its size. 
You can have a huge mailing list but it can still be worth very little to you if it is filled with people who don’t read your messages and who don’t really want to be there.

Sure, everyone covets having a million or more people on their list, but I want you to take a look at something:
Over TWO MILLION EMAILS sent per day, and the earnings are topping out at a high of $36.57.
With  dirty list of 2 million you can 
make an occasional $36 a day!
And as you can see, the average daily earnings are much lower.

A list with ‘bad hygiene’ is one that you have fought tooth and nail to build but while focusing purely on the numbers without giving any thought to whether those recipients are targeted and whether they actually want to be on your list at all. 

What’s going to happen when you send that list a message? 

Probably the same thing that happens when you get unsolicited in your own inbox – it gets ignored. 

Some of these emails meanwhile are likely to be completely abandoned, meaning that the messages will simply bounce. Some users will complain, or they’ll send your email to trash. 

And generally, it will be a waste of your time.
You may or may not have ever heard the term "sender reputation".

Sender Reputation is a score that is shared between email providers and that works very similarly to a credit score. The idea is that email providers and clients share your details and how your emails are performing. 

So, in layman's terms, "sender reputation" is the "credit score" of an email marketer.

And, within a few days of kleaning your lists, you will start to see the RESULTS, and they will continue to grow over time!
And, within a few days of kleaning your lists, you will start to see the RESULTS, and they will continue to grow over time!
Yes, it's a much smaller list - and if list size is the metric that matters to you... well, you can keep your big ol' dirty list.

We prefer to look at the other column. (Revenue.)
If you're coming in from the webinar just select the package that fits your list size and you'll be Kleaning up in the next few minutes!
Select the KLEAN13 Package* That Fits Your Email Marketing Needs Best
(You can change your package anytime as your business grows!
*Please note that all prices below are 38-50% off our corporate rates for a VERY LIMITED TIME ONLY! This is a LAUNCH SPECIAL and prices this low will not last indefinitely!
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 25,000 KREDITS
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 50,000 Kredits
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 100,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
KLEAN13 Platinum
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 500,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
KLEAN13 Ultra
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 1,000,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
The Sad Tale of Eddie the Email Marketer...
(and How We Turned His Frown Upside Down)
Before we continue, I want to share a story with you.

To protect the innocent, let's call him "Eddie the Email Marketer".

We exchanged pleasantries and then we got into the purpose of the call, helping Eddie make more money from his list.

What happened next I had to apologize for... it definitely wasn't intentional.

I tried to control it but I just couldn’t help but laugh when Eddie told me...
“My 250,000 person list is 100% deliverable and everyone on it wants to hear from me.”
Now, just why would I laugh at someone who wanted to do business with me? 
Because he was saying the same thing every other email marketer on earth said when they called me…

... and forgive me for sounding jaded but I have kind of seen it all in my 20+ year career in the email marketing world.

So while I was sorry to laugh, “Eddie” wasn’t the first person to think this way (and he most certainly was not gonna be the last either).
Hi, I'm Marc Goldman...

... and for the past 2 decades, I have been the secret resource that email marketers from every industry call on when they want to get their emails delivered.

As the owner of 2 email services catering to mostly hardcore marketers and businesses with lists in the millions who want to send strictly promotional emails I have been on the rolodex of top internet marketers, CPA networks, CEOS of multi-million dollar companies and more.

If you rely on email marketing for your income, you ABSOLUTELY have to start cleaning your lists right now or you might as well QUIT and start working at a convenience store.

Here's the thing...
First, NO LIST is 100% deliverable.
Next, not everyone wants to hear from you.
(This includes the people on your list.)
Sorry, but someone has to bust your little ego-bubble.

After I apologized for laughing at something I had heard hundreds of times before, "Eddie" proceeded with his story.

When he was finished, I shared with him what I'm going to share with you now...

Take a look at these Before and After snapshots:
  •  48% Hitting Inboxes
  •  31% Classified as Bulk Email
  •  21% Missing
  •  71% Hitting Inboxes
  •  19% Classified as Bulk Email
  •  10% Missing
  • Getting back into the Inbox at Yahoo alone, a 94.1% increase, with 97,498 Yahoo subscribers.
  •  91,745 subscribers that were not receiving this client’s emails, DID receive them the very next week!
  •  Getting back in the Yahoo Inbox alone produced a 20% increase in Inbox delivery alone…
  •  In that same time we were able to get off 4 major 3rd party anti spam blocklists.
  •  And back in the Inbox at 6 major Cable companies.
  •  Overall the Client saw a 32% lift in Inbox delivery!
  •  All with just one list scrub in only a week’s time…
What Would it Mean to You In Profits to
Have 32% MORE Emails Hitting the Inbox?
Or, even better, think about the 94.1% increase above in Yahoo Inboxing... which is a pretty typical result...

Before Klean13 he was only getting 5.9% of the list into the inbox.

After Klean13 he was getting 100% of the list into the Inbox!
That's like growing your list from 5,753 subscribers
to 97,498 subscribers in a week!
Let's say you were sending a $47 offer to the Yahoo list.

Let's say it converted at a meager 1%.

If you grew your Inboxing from 5,753 subscribers to 97,498 subscribers seeing your offer, it could look like this:
5,753 Inboxed at Yahoo

1% Conversion = 57 Sales

57 Sales of Your $47 Product

Total: $2,679.00
97,498 Inboxed at Yahoo

1% Conversion = 974 Sales

974 Sales of Your $47 Product

Total: $45,778.00!!
Note: these are mathematical projections only and do not constitute an income claim
Would You Rather Have 57 Sales or 974 Sales?
Would You Rather Bank $2,679 or $45,778??
FACT: If You Continued to Mail Your Dirty List You'd Easily Be
Leaving Up to $43,099 (or More) on the Table... Every. Single. Week.
This is before any upsells.

This is before the back-end.

This is before the continuity offer.

And all you did was scrub the list and got MORE of your emails into the Inbox!
This is How the "Big Boys and Girls" are kicking your butt every day of the Week and twice on sunday!

Now, let me let you in on some of how this actually works...
FIVE Things That Happen Almost
Immediately After You Klean Your List
So, what REALLY happens when you klean your list?
First, you can expect it to be much smaller so you need to ask yourself...
Which would you rather be bigger...
Your EGO, or your BANK ACCOUNT?
Yeah, we thought so.

As we demonstrated above, you will earn MORE from this smaller list because you're not full of list poison and you'll stop smashing your sender reputation sending to bad emails.

In fact, there are five key benefits that you will notice almost immediately when you're sending to a KLEAN list:
Benefit #1:  More Consistent Delivery 
The major Mailbox Providers, e.g. Gmail, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL etc have invested a LOT of money into their email infrastructure. They have ZERO incentive to deliver your emails to their users. All they care about is providing their users a great user experience. 

If you have garbage on your list, your delivery will suffer. Remove the garbage from your list and you will be rewarded with better delivery and for the simple reason that you are working with the mailbox providers and not against them.
Benefit #2:  Higher Email Engagement
Let's just go ahead and say it: by removing undeliverable and questionable emails from your lists, you have a smaller list. Some list owners don't like that because they truly believe that List Size matters. But what matters to the people who control the mailboxes of your list members is how many of them are actually opening and clicking on your emails (commonly called engagement). 

The more VALID people on your list, the higher engagement you will have, the higher engagement you have, the better your reputation in the eyes of large mailbox providers. 

Here is a simple equation to help you understand this:
KLEAN list = higher engagement = better delivery = more money.
Benefit #3:  Increased Inbox Placement
The best copy in the world doesn't matter if you can't get your emails in the inbox. And, if your list is ripe with gmail addresses (like many are), ending up in the promotions tab can be the kiss of death - a close second only to the dreaded junk folder.

While there is more to Inbox placement than list hygiene, the big providers (including Gmail) place a lot of importance on how clean your list is. Otherwise you are wasting their resources, which costs them money. No business wants to lose money so in order to counter that they will simply decrease the priority of emails from senders who don't care about list hygiene which means the Spam folder or worse yet - never even getting delivered. 
Benefit #4:  Better Online Reputation
Did your mother ever warn you about getting a "bad reputation"? She probably said something like: "once you get a bad rep, its very hard to repair it". The same holds true with your sender reputation. Sending emails to non-existent or junk emails helps to brand you with a bad sender reputation. Remove those bad emails and you start to repair your reputation. Eventually you can be on par with the same folks who have had a great email rep from day one. 

Easier than fixing your rep after that questionable prom night eh?
Benefit #5:  Increased Conversion Rates
KLEAN13 gets rid of bots and fake leads on your list. Advertisers HATE fake emails and bots. They often refuse to pay you for clicks, leads and even sales if they suspect you are sending bots to their offers. It throws off their numbers. Numbers are EVERYTHING to a marketer. By sending them only KLEAN leads, they will reward you with not only better conversion rates but oftentimes bumped up commissions as well.

"I Trust KLEAN13 to Keep My Lists Clean"

In the middle of a launch, it is so important to keep your list clean to avoid possible penalties from the email service providers. I trust this valuable job to Klean13.
- Ryan Levesque,

"It's not the cheapest but is certainly the best..."

What I love about Klean13 is it gives you a long list of different and invalid email addresses, it explains what the problem is with them and it gives you the choice to make sure you're removing every single bad email address in your list.
- Adrian Savage,
here's what you're getting now...
Your Klean13 Founder Account Includes:
Klean13 Account Loaded With 25,000 To 1,000,000 Kredits
When you create your Klean13 account, we'll instantly fill it with credits that you can use immediately.

Enough to cover the majority of small business email lists. (And when you need more, you'll be able to upgrade in the member area with a couple of clicks.)
Additional Kleaning Kredits Each Month!
As a Founder, you'll also get an additional credits every month.

Remember when we said you should klean your list every 30 days? Now you'll have plenty of kredits to do that - and as your list grows we'll grow with you!
Complete Instructional Videos
I'm going to shoot straight with you - the walk-through video  shows you literally everything you need to know about using the Klean13 service.

Step 1: Use our simple, drag and drop interface to upload your list.
Step 2: Let our software do the hard work to clean your list.
Step 3: Download your cleansed list and import to your Email Provider.

It's really no more complicated than that. But we'll add videos as you have questions. We want your complete success with Klean13!
Customer Appreciation WebClass and Q&A
You have questions, and we'll give you all the answers. The ins and outs and ups and downs of email marketing.
As you can see, we've made it as easy as 1, 2, 3  for you to say YES to Klean13.
If you're coming in from the webinar just select the package that fits your list size and you'll be Kleaning up in the next few minutes!
Select the KLEAN13 Package* That Fits Your Email Marketing Needs Best
(You can change your package anytime as your business grows!
*Please note that all prices below are 38-50% off our corporate rates for a VERY LIMITED TIME ONLY! This is a LAUNCH SPECIAL and prices this low will not last indefinitely!
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 25,000 KREDITS
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 50,000 Kredits
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 100,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
KLEAN13 Platinum
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 500,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
KLEAN13 Ultra
Billed Monthly, no set up fee.
  • 1,000,000 Kredits
  • Dedicated Support
  • Detailed Reports
  • Training Videos
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
What if I already cleaned my list?
Unless you have KLEANED your list, you havent really cleaned it fully. And while we are very proud of e fact that that KLEAN13 identifies and removes more threats than any other service, it's always a good idea to constantly run hygiene against your list.
You constantly add new blood to your list right? Well, the very best email list managers on earth are constantly putting their lists under a microscope to keep them squeaky clean and improve their delivery. As demonstrated above, even the smallest improvements can put more money in your pocket.
What if Klean13 finds no poisons on my list?
Even the cleanest lists have issues. In 22 years of being in the email marketing business we have yet to come across a list that does not need KLEANING. At the very least, KLEAN13 will remove undeliverable emails from your list which will improve your delivery and your sender reputation.
How often should I klean my list?
The most successful email marketers re-clean all their lists monthly. Why? As we said above, emails are abandoned, new traps are listed (usually from expired domains) and new emails get added. So clean your lists monthly at best, and if that's not possible you should clean your list every 90 days at worst.
Why are there multiple files after kleaning?
Unlike other services, we give you multiple output options so you can maximize your kleaning efforts. You can download the all-inclusive list, OR you can download based on list poison: Catch-All, Undeliverable, Role, Malformed, SpamTrap, Complainer, and 4 other categories of list poisons.
How is Klean13 different than other list cleaning services?
Some cleaning services focus only on determining whether the emails on your list are valid or invalid, some focus only on catching spamtraps and other bad threats. KLEAN13 catches everything: invalids, spamtraps, bots, role accounts and much more including dormant accounts - the ultimate key to deliverability at the biggest email receivers. No other service does that.
Will my email service provider let me upload my list after it is cleaned?
Of course. Especially if you tell them what you have done. Email service providers WANT responsible email marketers using their system so they will be only too happy to work with people who are using a responsible list hygiene service like KLEAN13.
Did you know you typo'ed the word "typo" above?
Yes, that was on purpose for emphasis. Thanks for noticing.
What if I need more than 25,000 Kredits?
If your list is larger than 25,000 subscribers, you will be able to purchase additional Kredits from inside the member area after you create your account.
What if I have another question?
Feel free to contact us at support@klean13[dot]com anytime or use the support desk within our members area. We answer support requests Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm Eastern and are here to help in any way we can (except sorry we cannot help with family or relationship problems, there are others better suited to that).
© 2018 - present Klean13 - All Rights Reserved
Klean13 is a Send13, LLC Company